possibly the IIDX song blocks made from dd_eout.dat using BLOCKS (0x02ADB0) and A-JAX 3-WAY MIX (0x2AB08) all values hex unless otherwise stated 00-3F: full song title 40-5F: L_* - 60-7F: T_* - Title 80-9F: unknown, usually filled with 00s A0-BF: G_* - Genre C0-DF: A_* - Artist E0: unknown, changes with every song (0B in BLOCKS, 0A in A-JAX) E8: Normal7 difficulty E9: Hyper7 difficulty EA: Another7 difficulty EB: Normal14 difficulty EC: Hyper14 difficulty ED: Another14 difficulty F0: unknown, changes with every song FC-10F: unknown, usually filled with FFs 110-111: unknown, (4D04 in BLOCKS, 1E04 in A-JAX 3-WAY MIX) 114: unknown, (7F in BLOCKS, 7B in A-JAX 3-WAY MIX) 118-11F: unknown, usually filled with 30s 120-121: unknown, was C4FF in both songs 124-127: unknown, was 30386379 ("08cy") in both songs 144-164: I_* - 164-EOB: in_* - not sure 5.1.1. is a bit different, here are the non-obvious differences (i.e. not difficulties or references that are spelt out) that I found. F0: 65 110-111: 6400 114: 5A 118-11F: 3161613261613030 ("1aa2aa00") 120-121: 88FF 124-127: 30313030 ("0100") Here's gigadelic for kicks. F0: AD 110-111: 7104 114: 29 118-11F is all 30 120-121: 0000 (odd...) 124-127: 31307465 ("10te") and everyone's favorite TAKA repeat (that'd be V). F0: 96 110-111: 0902 114: 50 118-11F: all 00 120-121: 88FF 124-127: 30353231 ("0521") DXY! E0: 04 F0: 94 110-111: 9601 114: 55 118-11F: all 30 120-121: 88FF 124-127: 30343036 ("0406") preliminary data suggests that 124-125 is the style it first appeared in (DXY! was 4th style, V was 5th; the only thing that this is odd about is gigadelic, as it appeared in RED and should be 11 but is 10 instead.) 126-127, according to every song that's not A-JAX or BLOCKS, is a number. Personally, I think it's the order in which the songs are listed in the style, with 00 being the first. However, I have no idea what "cy" would mean. Both songs also appeared in 10th style first, yet their first two values show "08." MAX 300 appears as "07te," SAKURA is "08pa," PARANOIA survivor MAX is "0943," PF CONCERTO ANTI-ARES is "1126," Mei is "1204," SCREAM SQUAD is "1245." Nageki no Ki is a bit different thanks to the Cardinal Gate. 124-12C spells out "cardinal," unlike all the other songs (which have nulls in its place). This is most likely different for pre-DistorteD games.