AJWorld.net is the homepage of AJ Kelly, a man of many hats. A software developer with a creative streak, AJ's interests include programming, pixeling, and reverse engineering. This site is but a small part of AJ's world; you may want to check the About page for more information.

Site News

Just so there's an actual record of how little I'm actually updating ;)

Yes, blue website needs update badly 2024/10/17 15:36

Well, it looks like part of the internet is imploding, and with me not wanting to join everyone else in jumping off a specific bridge, that means I have to use this website to keep people up to date with things. No, I don't expect people to use Mastodon, because if they wanted to, they'd already be doing it.

VPW Studio is now at v0.0.0.36; support for the various WWF No Mercy prototypes/pre-releases/whatever you want to call them was added a few versions back. The latest version includes fixes to the "Pointer to ROM address" calculation found in the Code Segment Test part of the Danger Zone. For more info, head to the official site or the GitHub project page.

"omg add RSS" you do realize that I make all these updates by hand and that I'm not running a CMS of any kind, right? making and updating a RSS feed by hand is a pain in the ass, and I'm not going to do it. If you care enough, throw me some solutions on Mastodon (see footer until I get around to updating the rest of the site).

VPW2 freem Edition is still alive, though the current focus is on the VPW2 decomp, to make it easier for me to add things to the game. The current decomp progress is being done behind the scenes, so that when the work is done, I can just put it into one commit on the main VPW2 decomp repo. I do plan on re-adding some of the original VPW2 faces (Yoshinari Ogawa, Gary Albright, Hiroshi Hase, Abdullah the Butcher, to name a few) in a future version. Adding other content is contingent on multiple issues (especially moves), all of which will need to be addressed first.

VPW Studio v0.0.0.30/pre-Alpha Preview 30 2023/08/31 12:07

Two front page updates in the same calendar year? Something must be going on.

After 5 years, VPW Studio is now available to the public, despite still being unfinished. More information and the download can be found at the official site.

Virtual Pro-Wrestling 2 freem Edition 2023/07/30 Release 2023/07/30 00:00

A new edition of my ROM hack of AKI Corporation's Virtual Pro-Wrestling 2 is now available. There are many changes, and it's best to find them out from the changelog on the official site.

New Article: 2022: Looking Back and Moving Forward 2022/01/09 17:00

A new article is out, going through the "major" points of my 2021, as well as paths I could take in 2022. There are also some ideas for people who are not me, because I don't want to spend a bunch of time implementing them myself.

New Article: June 2021 Progress Report 2021/06/27 22:51

It's been a couple of years since I've released a proper progress report on the various things I've been doing. Time to fix that with a June 2021 update, including information on Tracklayer, VPW Studio, and other projects.

Virtual Pro-Wrestling 2 freem Edition 2019/01/28 Preview Release 2019/01/28 01:31

If I'm bothering to update the front page, you know it must be something important.

For the 19th anniversary of the release of AKI Corporation's Virtual Pro-Wrestling 2, I have released a preview version of my ROM hack, "Virtual Pro-Wrestling 2 freem Edition". When you take the project's past as "VPW2000" into account, this hack has been in the works for around 18 years. I'm glad to say there's finally a light at the end of this tunnel. More updates to the hack will be released as time goes on.

New Article: "Number 31" 2016/11/10 11:26

I ended up writing something about my current projects, now that I'm another year older. There still needs to be a second article written, and I'll update this post when that's available.

Fire Pro section opened 2016/10/23 18:41

The VPW section was getting lonely, plus I needed to make sure people could get to the FPR Logo Viewer site from my page somehow.

There's also this thing called the Fire Pro Coal Mines, but detailed information on that is going to have to wait until some other time.

StepMania sections closed 2016/08/14 18:36

The StepMania Repository section of the site is no longer available. Both the main page and the SM5 Theme Update section weren't really being updated in the past months anyways, so there's no real reason to bother keeping those parts up.

New Beginnings: PC Engine/TurboGrafx 16 Development 2016/04/17 15:54

A new site section has been added: PC Engine/TurboGrafx 16 Development. I hope to add information, examples, and utilities in the future.

2015: Year in Review 2016/01/16 14:49

2015 was a pretty good year for me, so I decided to write about it. Check the Writings section.

Family Picross obviously didn't get finished in 2015. Ah well.

2015 is here 2015/01/09 20:06

I wasn't kidding when I wrote "how little I'm actually updating". Most of my time has been spent working on the freemlib for Neo-Geo, which I am now testing by using it to port The Last Eichhof. I have a long way to go, especially where audio is concerned. Right now, the main menu is complete, including cursor movement and palette cycling. Outside of that, only one screen is considered "complete", and that's the "but Alpha-Helix strikes back with" part of the intro because it's easy. :p

Outside of Neo-Geo programming, the past few months have been mostly quiet. The StepMania 5 Theme Update section of my StepMania Repository gets updated every now and then. I still have a lot of theme work I'd like to finish (hello, foonmix port), but for the time being, that has been put on the back burner. Family Picross is another project that's been on the back burner thanks to Neo-Geo development, but I hope to finish it this year (at the earliest) or in TW-TW-TWENTY SIXTEEN.

New Design (and some other stuff) 2014/06/02 22:00

So hey, I've finally gotten around to redesigning AJWorld.net again. It has been a long time since the last real redesign, so this is overdue. I've also added a few sections to the site: StepMania Repository and Neo-Geo Development. The StepMania Repository is meant to host a few files and be a source of StepMania 5 theme update news (via StepMania Theme Update) when I'm not lazy. Neo-Geo Development is what it sounds like: developing things for the Neo-Geo.